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... that’s really transparent, isn’t it? Our most important documents such as approvals, SMART-DETAILS brochures, manuals, technical info etc., can be simply accessed and downloaded here.
If you would prefer to have the printed version, simply send an email with your postal address to marketing@scafom-rux.de.
By the way: the SMART-DETAILS brochures supersede all previous leaflets and price lists, meaning that all information is available in one brochure. Take a look inside – it’s really worthwhile!

Erection and usage manual façade scaffold system SUPER 65

Erection and usage manual façade scaffold system SUPER 100

Erection and usage manual modular scaffold system RINGSCAFF

Руководство по монтажу и эксплуатации модульной системы строительных лесов RINGSCAFF

Руководство по монтажу и эксплуатации системы фасадных лесов SUPER 65

Руководство по монтажу и эксплуатации системы фасадных лесов SUPER 100

Manual - RINGSCAFF Stair Tower - german

Manual - SCAFFGUARD scaffold cladding - german

Zulassung - Modulgerüst VARIANT (bis 2024)

Zertifikat - Mobilo 1400 Fahrgerüst

Zertifikat - Mobilo 800 Fahrgerüst

Zulassung - Systemfreies Zubehör Hammerschraube

Zertifikat - Systemfreies Zubehör

Zulassung - Fassadengerüst FRAMESCAFF (bis 2026)

SUPER 65 Certificate DIBt Z-8.1-185.1 DE (valid until 2027)